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Global Trends in MedTech 2024

I’m pleased to announce A. S. Freeman Advisors’ annual Global Trends in Medtech 2024 is available here for download and distribution.

Key points in this year’s presentation include:

  • The medtech industry will exceed $600 billion this year.
  • The rise in elderly populations around the world will strain the financial resources of governments and insurance organizations
  • Medical staffs will increasingly be driven to capacity as patient loads and dated workflow procedures strain care centers
  • Medtech companies have discovered digitization as the most effective approach to improving physical and fiscal outcomes for all constituencies in healthcare
  • Major OEMs are studying how to improve workflow in care settings and building that logic into devices
  • Supply chains are shifting to better match OEMs preferred three tier structure, similar to the aerospace supply chain
  • Opportunities still exist for smaller contract manufacturers to differentiate themselves from larger CMs who are starting to fill the prime contractor role on the most desirable programs

As always, I am happy to present Global Trends to you or your firm. Please reach me at with questions, comments, or requests.

Best regards,

Tony Freeman